Bespoke Etched Stainless Steel Wall Panels Example

Bespoke Etched Stainless Steel Wall Panels

Commercial Interiors Metalwork Project: Bespoke PVD Finish Etched Stainless Steel Wall Panels

 Site: Lobby
 Completion Year: 2018
 System Type: Commercial Metalwork
 Metal Manufacturer: NEMEZ Metalworks
 Region: Malaysia

The bespoke stainless steel wall panel, featuring intricate etching and PVD gold finishing, adds a touch of elegance and durability to any commercial interior. From the wall panel to the glass hangers, every piece is meticulously crafted from high-quality metal. The etched design on the wall panel not only enhances the visual appeal but also provides a unique texture that stands out in any setting.

Each element, from the wall panel to the glass hangers, is custom-made to fit the specific needs and aesthetic of your space. The etched designs on the wall panel are created with precision, offering intricate patterns that can be tailored to reflect your brands identity or the thematic elements of space. This customization extends to the glass hangers, which are also designed to seamlessly integrate with the wall panels, creating a cohesive and visually stunning environment.

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